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Programmer – a job for people who are professionally excluded because of where they live

In today’s globalized world, the job market is no longer limited to just local opportunities. With technology allowing for remote work, individuals living in traditionally excluded areas now have access to a vast array of career opportunities. This is especially true for jobs in technology, such as programming, computer graphic design, and software testing.

One of the biggest advantages of working in these fields is that location is no longer a barrier to entry. It doesn’t matter where you live; what matters is a stable internet network and the skills required to perform the job. This opens up a world of possibilities for people living in developing countries, where job opportunities are often limited.

For example, this is a great opportunity for Africa, where many people face significant economic and social barriers to entry into the job market. With a proper youth education program, including coding and computer skills, many young people in Africa could develop the skills required to work in these fields. A good example is the CodeSpark programming school and CKCy Digital Academy in Nigeria, which offer courses to students of all ages and backgrounds.

Big tech companies see Africa’s potential and are investing in the region. They see the opportunity to develop and support the local community while also tapping into a talented pool of workers. This is especially true for software development and graphic design, where African talent can provide a fresh perspective and unique ideas.

Furthermore, by providing job opportunities in these fields, companies can help reduce brain drain in developing countries. Brain drain occurs when highly skilled individuals leave their home countries for better job opportunities, leading to a loss of talent and potential economic growth. By offering remote work opportunities, companies can tap into this talent pool without requiring individuals to leave their home countries.

In conclusion, the rise of remote work has created a fantastic opportunity for people who are professionally excluded because of where they live. With the right education and skills, individuals in developing countries can now work in fields like programming, computer graphic design, and software testing, opening up new opportunities and reducing economic and social barriers. Companies that invest in these regions can help develop and support the local community while also tapping into a talented pool of workers. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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